Collecting the bag of gold pieces, the party departs for a quick trip to the market and then to plumb the depths of Dorasharn Tower.
Feel free to purchase any supplies you think you may want and add them to your sheet. Someone better keep an eye on Ceracis, who is doubtless the one who grabbed the money bag.

Dorasharn Tower is inhabited from its middle levels upward. A complex sewer system separates the inhabited levels from the lower levels, which have been closed and sealed for more than a millennium.
You follow Lady Elaydren’s map to the sewer level. The tunnels and corridors at this level of the tower are narrow and dark. An occasional window slit looks out upon the crowded walls and foundations of other towers. Infrequently placed torches sputter here and there, giving off pallid pools of light and clouds of smoke. Even so, rough and dirty people crowd the narrow corridors. The smell of sweat and sewage permeates the stale air.
One tunnel opens onto a large chamber, where a mix of goblins, humans, and shifters gather around a smile pile of garbage spread across three rotting blankets. One of the goblins shouts, “No pushing! No pushing! There’s always enough for everyone at the Rat’s Market!