She thinks for a moment, then says
"I came back from the bath and was almost up to bed to sleep. I usually sleep across the hall from Malcer--That's my husband--And I heard a commotion in his room, so I came in. First thing I saw was a dark figure holding something long, I think it may have been a weapon, and Malcer by the throat! I screamed, and that man turned to see the source of the sound, and I saw a long scar over his eye and a pitch-dark hole. He was wearing a hood and mask over his mouth, so I couldn't tell you anything else about him. When he turned he pointed the weapon at me but it seems he lost control of it and shot my leg. After that I started to fall unconscious, but before I was out I saw him fall out the window... We live next to the city walls, so he couldn't have gotten away in the city. Malcer told the city guard to watch out for any approaches so he couldn't have gotten back in... could he?"