Within the privacy of Kate's mind, some decidedly impolite words were being shouted. Oh how she wished they could be given voice. But no, she was the party's diplomat: The one who knew which spoon to use for each type of soup. When everyone else was yelling expletives, Kate had to retain her composure: No matter how satisfying it would be to join the fray. So instead of giving Unaric the tongue-lashing he so richly deserved, Kate just smiled softly.

"Hmm, intriguing. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I assure you, Councilman, that my past is no threat to your city. The people you mentioned are only interested in me. As for your kind offer, my comrades and I will give it our most urgent attention. You'll have our answer very soon."

Oh dear. Kate could already feel the leash tightening around her neck. Unaric had found an excellent source of leverage. She only had two options now: Serve, or run. The young noble stood up along with Unaric. Once he'd left, she made her way back to the hallway where Nazir waited.

"We need to meet with the others; Now. This can't wait."