3/6 players "I'll try to make it but can't make any promises."

Last session one of them didn't come because he decided to see a movie instead. But hey! That's cool! You don't have to give me any notice or anything, it's not like I spend most of my Sundays preparing these games. I'm sure it was a really good movie.

Let's find some new players! Should be easy in a small town with a tiny game shop/internet cafe that has plenty of MTG, warhammer, and Yugioh merchandise. Oh and a couple DnD 4e campaign setting books collecting dust in a corner. I checked. That's all they have. Why doesn't anyone in this town like the my kind of fun?

Guess I'll just introduce some half-interested friends to the game. That worked great last time. Or I can join the game my friends I know from back in highschool keep inviting me to as a player. Good thing I'm a big fan of getting high and drunk while I play and being rewarded for murdering things with getting to have sex with things otherwise that would seem unappealing!

Ok, done angry ranting. It's probably not as bad as all that but I'm just getting super annoyed with how hard it's been to get a good group together for the last 4 years up here.