23rd Jahrdrung


"I apologise Herr Forkbeard, but if you would wish to exchange jobs and offices I would be more than happy to oblige. Perhaps you would make a less inconspicuous spy than myself, hmm? Have I demanded a fortune in karls or a title to keep working for His Grace? Do you think I live under the reign of that Miraglianese dog for my health? I serve because I wish to and because I think our prince a far better man than the one who squats in Mannan's Keep."
Forkbeard's expression darkened.

"Perhaps we should, Herr Schreiber," he said. "Perhaps, mm, you should be the one to explain to His Grace why his eyes and ears in the south see nothing, hear nothing. I have spent quite enough of my breath defending you to him already." There was a pregnant pause. "Duke Alvarr does not accept your loyalty as, mm, a charity on your part, Herr Schreiber. He accepts it entire or not at all." Forkbeard exhaled, speaking more calmly now for having been so acerbic before. "We agreed when we entered into this arrangement that you would provide regular reports. Working for the Duke is not something you can do... part-time."

"As it happens I have discovered where the Crimson Shade is being grown and have a good idea who is bringing it into the city. However there is a more serious matter: I have strong reason to believe the Tilean has sent agents north to Groz. They arrived here in a riverboat yesterday and left this morning before I reached the city. I cannot say whether they seek to murder the Count or to turn him, though I fear the latter, but the Duke must know he can expect trouble from the North."
This seemed to catch the old advisor's attention. "Ranald's bones," he exclaimed, "and this is the first we hear of it? When did you discover this?"

Pulling over a stool for Adelbert from a dusty jumble of furniture by the wall, he took his own seat again in front of the fire.

"Tell me everything you know. The Tilean's, mm, men - who and how many? How did they leave?" He paused, peering at Adelbert. "How did you come to know their, mm, destination?"

Ludo & Viggo

Broken-nose gave a grunt that might have been a laugh. "Runty little half-men poking their noses where they're not welcome, is the problem," he said, in a voice like a bag of gravel being given a good shake. "Runty little half-men with friends that go runnin' to the castle."

Stepping closer, he made a gesture with his hook that was both beckoning and threatening. Magnus whinnied and took a few skittish steps - in the narrow alley it would be hard for the big animal to turn around.

"Get down off the 'orse and we'll explain it to yer."

If you give me my cues I'll have RoboViggo assist as much as he can.