Leah shakes her head at Alyssa's question. "Umm, I think I might just stay sitting if, uh, if you don't mind."

Giving Alyssa a small wave as she heads off, Leah folds her arms on the table in front of her, leaning forward a little as she did. She looked over to Linne, her ears heating a little, "Umm, sorry for, uh, for running off so quick." She stumbles over her words a bit as she continues, "Umm, I, uh, Alyssa, umm... I, uh, She pulled me away before, uh, before I really knew what was going on... Umm..."

Uncertain of what, if anything, else she should say, Leah fell quiet, awkwardly fidgeting with the cuffs of her borrowed cardigan.