
General Franklin brings 25,000 troops aboard B5 for some final planning before a dangerous mission.

General Richard Franklin-Hum..wonder what side he was on during the Civil War?

Things that don't Make Sense:

The Schwarzkopf- Lol, well that sure is a '90's name for a ship. And it really stands out as a named Earthforce destroyer named for a person. Just about all the other Earthforce destroyers we see are named after things in mythology, just about all Greek mythology. Sadly there is no EAS Shiva or EAS Thor. But ''Storming Norman'' is a bit of an odd choice for a space battleship name. Sure, people back in the mid '90's knew who Schwarzkopf is/was....but I'm not sure he made that big of dent in history. Does anyone even in 2017 know who Storming Norman Schwarzkopf was? Or is the ship named after Admiral Arno Schwarzkopf of the Dilgar War?

And the Schwarzkopf is a lowly Nova class destroyer with no rotating section, so poor General Franklin has to float around in mirco gravity while on his ship. I bet the EAS 'Mad Dog' Mattis was an omega class destroyer with a spinning section.

The Cover Story- The 25,000 troops are ''relief troops for Io''? As in Io, the moon of Jupiter. So just where in the Earth Alliance are the 25, 000 troops coming from ''under the cover''? Like are there 25,000 plus some troops on Vega Colony so it would make sense for them to go from there, to B5 and then to Io? They can't be coming from Earth or Mars ( or anywhere in the Sol system) as they would need to go to Io to use the Jump Gate....

Bunkmates- Um, would there not be some sort of announcement to B5 personnel about the unwilling quartering of military troops? Keffer wanders into his quarters like he has no idea about the 25,000 troops or the bunkmates.

No Third Amendment- Well, guess Earthforce/Earthgov as a planet wide government would not have the Bill of Rights of just one country, no matter how good or right, apply to all of Earth.

Mines? - One of the weapons upgrades that B5 gets are space mines. Mines? And mine launchers? Like B5 would launch mines, um, at a target and then have them float around in space until they hit a target? A guess they are stealth mines too?

Interceptors- I guess these are the big guns that anti-energy that somehow ''intercept'' incoming energy blasts?

Final C- This episode is not unpleasant to watch, since there is some nice dialog and humorous scenes. I enjoyed the sergeant-major's cajoling of his troops. However, most of it is just too obvious. The gropos we meet are largely stereotypes. We even got a traditional bar fight that has to happen whenever there are a lot of troops around. The initially strained but later fixed-up relationship between the two Franklins was way too predictable.