Quote Originally Posted by Darth Ultron View Post

The Cover Story- The 25,000 troops are ''relief troops for Io''? As in Io, the moon of Jupiter. So just where in the Earth Alliance are the 25, 000 troops coming from ''under the cover''? Like are there 25,000 plus some troops on Vega Colony so it would make sense for them to go from there, to B5 and then to Io? They can't be coming from Earth or Mars ( or anywhere in the Sol system) as they would need to go to Io to use the Jump Gate....
They'd be coming from various outposts and bases around Earth and Allied space. Remember, the ACTUAL mission involved a nearby but unaligned territory. Earth Force would certainly have bases near territories where they might need to do things.

In fact, the "relief" for Io might well have been rotating those troops back or closer to home.

Bunkmates- Um, would there not be some sort of announcement to B5 personnel about the unwilling quartering of military troops? Keffer wanders into his quarters like he has no idea about the 25,000 troops or the bunkmates.
They likely would have sent it out as a general E-mail-type announcement. Keffer had been on duty and likely hadn't checked in yet, and hadn't heard it through the grapevine.

No Third Amendment- Well, guess Earthforce/Earthgov as a planet wide government would not have the Bill of Rights of just one country, no matter how good or right, apply to all of Earth.
I had to look that one up, but remember that Babylon 5 is technically a military station, too, and the only "unwilling" assignments were to the quarters of military personnel. Military personnel do not own their quarters.

Quote Originally Posted by factotum
In the battle of Gorash VII the Narn fire "energy mines", which fly out a long way from the ships and then explode, causing damage to everything nearby. Maybe this is because JMS thinks that a missile or torpedo has to actually hit its target to be so named?
I believe that the B5 Wars game states that they can and do actually use them as normal mines as well, hence the naming. They've just found a way to use them more directly in battle, too.