All Alone in the Night

Sheridan is captured and studied by unfamiliar aliens.

Flight Pay-So Earthforce folks get bonus fight pay? Well, guess that is why everyone flies a starfury.

The Mars vs. Earth team trash talk is a bit funny, even with the ''gravity'' replacing ''temperature'' or ''grass'' or such.

Robert Foxworth-who plays General Hague, has been in a lot of shows and movies. Sci-Fi wise he is best know as being the voice of Ratchet in all the Bay Transformer movies and Admiral Leyton on Star Trek DS9(and at the same time frame as B5 too).

Guess someone watched The Gamesters of Triskelion before writing this show...

Weird Tech- everyone has ''privacy devices'' so they can't be over heard in this episode.... makes sense. Guess we will see them use them from now on all the time, right (wink, wink)

Things that don't Make Sense:

The Minbari worker case comes out of nowhere with this episode. Remember there were only two case back in season one.

Red shirt pilot Rmarize-So with Keifer part of the cast, wonder why he did not get to fly with the captain. Being a pilot is his only job... He does not even get to go on the rescue mission.

The Stribes-Are yet another ''gray'' alien type race that abduct people, like the Vree.

Kosh's Vision-So Kosh sends Sheridan a telepathic vision and then shows up to do the ''it was not just a dream''. SO....this does make one wonder if Kosh set up the whole abduction in the first place? And did Kosh send the telepathic dream over like a couple light years of space?

The Escape- The Streibs look pretty dumb letting Sheridan and Ta'Lon escape....but then maybe they had orders and/or were controlled or manipulated....

The Pod- Well, Sheridan and Ta'Lon find the escape pod in like ten seconds. Right before the Agamemnon obliterates the Streib ship. Amazing luck....or maybe the Streibs had orders and/or were controlled or manipulated....

The Good Conspiracy- Well, Sheridan being a Good Rebel, kinda comes out of nowhere...but guess he was ''in hiding''.

The Presidents Death- Well, they talk like kinda maybe sort of something might be going on....but no one says ''oh, remember that plot from the first episode of season two''.

Final-C, This episode has a lot of interesting stuff in it, but it's mostly the secondary points in the episode. The main plot - Sheridan's abduction - seems pretty off-the wall and completely arbitrary in its timing. The Streib decide to abduct him on the same day Hague is supposed to arrive? This just seems contrived.