Alice saw Ophelia that morning through a whole group of people - which wasn't so odd these days, the sorceress was pretty popular - but even past everybody, it was obvious her friend was tired. She must not stay up late often, Alice guessed.

Alice started to work her way through the crowd - or flirt her way through it, which was pretty easy in the tube top and shorts she was wearing in open defiance of the season's weather - when she spotted a familiar face: her Nymph friend/girlfriend, Guinevere. And she smirked as she got an idea.

"Heyyy, Gwen?" she said as she slid up to the other girl, wrapping one arm around her waist. "Want to help me wake up Ophelia?"

"Oh, oui. What shall we do?"

"Nothing we haven't done before," she said flirtatiously, as she leaned in. Then, in plain view of Ophelia, she drew Guinever close and kissed the Nymph deeply, holding it for some time. Oh yeah, this should get Ophelia's attention. Definitely the best way to wake her up.

Spoiler: OOC/Roll
Allure, Touchy-Feely +1, Shameless +2, Thaw Out +2 = +5 total.
Thaw Out on scene 2/3.