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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Re: Heart soul and memory 3 (Revenge of the Past)

    Emma was no stranger to late nights. After all, a lot of her most important ritual services took place at midnight, and went on even later. The only new thing she needed to adjust to was the early mornings. Back when she was homeschooled, she was allowed to sleep in as much as she wanted, but now she had to get up early every weekday, no matter how much she didn't want to.

    That was the reason why her new morning routine consisted of a coffee stop on the way to school. And knowing that not everyone has as late of nights as her, she made sure to bring extras today.

    "Hey Ophelia!" she said with a smile, "I brought coffee! Do you want..."

    Her jaw dropped in awe as she saw Alice and the nymph making out with one another. It took her brain a few seconds to reboot itself, and when it finally did, she repeated, "Um, girls want coffee you do?"

    Spoiler: Roll
    Strong Luck (+1), Fortune Talisman (Alice, +2), +3 total.
    Last edited by The TechnoGnome; 2017-07-09 at 12:02 AM.