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Thread: Babylon 5 Group Re-Watch!

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: Babylon 5 Group Re-Watch!

    Acts of Sacrifice - Good A plot which goes pretty deep into the Narn/Centauri war, and G'Kar shines throughout the episode. Never liked Ivanova's B plot though - the alien ambassador is odious, and the expectation that Ivanova sleep with him to seal the deal was cringeworthy even at the time and moreso now.

    Hunter, Prey - Just an all around good episode. Shows the building tensions on Earth, and the chase is quite tense. It's also a big Garibaldi/Franklin episode that showcases their developing friendship. My one complaint has always been Kosh allowing Jacobs to hide in his ship. There isn't really indication why he would do this, apart from getting on Sheridan's good side. I suppose it was a useful flanking maneuver against the Shadows to discredit Clark? Presumably their plan would have been to depose Clark at some point to get Earth on the side of the Vorlons, but it never really comes up and the logic is kind of a reach.

    There All the Honor Lies - I really detest this one. Delenn is like a different person, incredibly mistrusting of Sheridan despite the supposed course of events being wildly out out of character for him. It's also just a LITTLE convenient that the Minbari word for surrender happens to sound like "Death first". And that the guy was willing to die just so Sheridan would be discredited, rather than just...y'know, murdering him. The bit about Minbari not lying comes right out of nowhere and is an obvious retcon. The whole thing is just ridiculous.

    Edit: Also, shouldn't Sheridan have known about the whole "Minbari not lying" thing? He is effectively an ambassador in his role as station commander and head of the Babylon 5 Advisory Council. You would think that something as defining to a culture as that would be Diplomacy 101 - you would never accuse a Minbari of lying in much the same way you would never offer a Muslim ambassador an alcoholic drink. It's basic stuff that Sheridan should have known, and more proof that it was retconned in for the purpose of this episode.

    The one good thing are the miscellaneous B plots. Kosh's moment of beauty, Vir getting reassurance from Londo, everything to do with gift shop - all good stuff. It's just a shame they're attached to such an awful main plot.
    Last edited by Rodin; 2017-07-10 at 03:04 AM.