Acts of Sacrifice

G'Kar tries to get the Earth Alliance to help his people, while Ivanova plays diplomat to a new alien race.

This episode does mark the final appearance of Mary Kay Adams' Na'Toth. The character disappeared hereafter.

The Lumati-are a bit like the Federation in Star Trek where they ''won't help others'' (er, sometimes).

Things that Don't make Sense

Space Cam- So guess the Narn have a space cam watching the battle? And the Centari just ignore it? And the space cam then somehow gets or transmits the footage to Narn ISN?

Sure are a lot of places with spinning fans in this episode.

The Lumati- Isolate themselves from other ''inferior species'', but they never consider doing this to their own people?

Seal the deal with Sex- So, if the Lumati guy was not paired up with young sexy Ivanova, would they still want sex to seal the deal?

Interpecies Sex- Well, this is always a problem in Sci Fi, that species from different worlds can even have sex. The species would really, really, really need to be nearly identical in every way and not just ''humanoid''. And that is just for the physical act, as biology is a whole other bag of worms, as most species can't ''cross''. I don't think B5 even has ''Half-Narns'' or such.

Delayed Justice-Sheridan wants to delay everything about the murder and Narn murderer. Well, that is not really how justice works now is it? You can't just say ''Oh I don't like the feel of things right now, so we will just delay justice''. This is the sort of thing tyrants and police states do, and again makes you wonder if the Earth Alliance copied the Bill of Rights of the USA. It would not seem so, as then the ''right to a speedy trial'' would be in there. But I can see every other country in the world voting note to the USA Bill of rights....

Final-This episode has its moments, but it's clearly a transition episode, setting characters in slightly different directions and setting up events to come