Quote Originally Posted by Florian View Post
That´s not so much to do with what´s floating my boat, but that up to now we´ve all avoided talking about setting, game style and circumstances.
Hell can be very different, depending on we talk 3E Greyhawk, actual 4E/5E Forgotten Realms, AD&D Planescape or other variations like Rokugan.
It could also come up as a random encounter in a high-level Mega Dungeon, be a fixture on a Hex Crawl map, part of the backstory in Cheliax or simple there to showcase the weirdness of Sigil.
So, either we all begin to be very specific on what we mean, or we try to avoid drift.
Just so that we are clear, I feel this entire discussion is a mistake. It began with Jormengand making a claim that Level 20 fighter could not defeat a Pit fiend and was liberally interpreted as an optimised fighter against a stock pit fiend played as a mannequin. What I am sure of, is that the OP really meant a Pit Fiend played like a Pit fiend. If you look at my post history in this thread this is precisely what I have adhered to. With that in mind, this entire exercise to my eyes is a strawman.