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Thread: The Black Shingle Fiasco

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    Ogre in the Playground
    YossarianLives's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Vancouver, Canada

    Default Re: The Black Shingle Fiasco

    You wait in the square for almost an hour, watching the proud Senrish soldiers arrive, bearing pikes and crossbows. The vast majority seem to be infantry, with only the officers and a handful of scouts mounted on ponies. Soon the humanoid soldiers are joined by a detachment of war-golems, immense creatures of stone and metal armed with halberds the height of five humans. Only five minutes before you are set to depart, the last band of warriors arrive. Some 500 dwarves in heavy suits of platemail, colourful red and blue plumes sprouting from their helmets, tromp into the square in tight ranks, each carrying an axe or mace. These are no doubt the mercenaries you have heard of. Compared to the local soldiers they seem to be comfortable, at ease, chatting arrogantly with one another.

    Just as Captain Parker spurs his mount toward the new arrivals, Ygor turns from his squad and again approaches you, proffering a small paper map. "This is a map of the area,
    and some locations of interest. You have more experience with this neighbourhood of Black Shingle than I - any recommendations?"

    Spoiler: Map