Hunter, Prey

Sheridan rescues an doctor with crucial information concerning the late President's assassination.

Look who it is- Max the Dowbelow Thug is Richard Moll, who is 6'8'' and has been a lot of movies and TV shows, maybe most notably Nostradamus 'Bull' Shannon on Night Court.

''What do you want?"- Kosh does not like this question.

Things that Don't make Sense

*Ship Watching-So people just go to Bay 13 to watch the Vorlon ship? And Kosh is ok with this? And it's not some type of violation of ambassadorial protocol?

*The Seamless Ship-Well, Sheridan is all a wonder about a seamless ship with no way in or out...but it does not seem all that amazing that the ship has a ''hidden door''. Wow, what high tech that is...

*Ship zap ray- So Kosh's ship, um, zaps people that get too close. Well, a security system does make sense...but is the idea that the ship kills people that get too close?

*Singing Ship-Ok, it's kind, um, cool, that the ship sings to people in their sleep. Though wonder why Earth did not assign some sleepers to listen to the ship 24/7?

*Kosh the Spy- Well, guess everything above might make sense...if it's all a plot by Kosh in the first place.

*Super Doc Franklin? Er, so Doc Franklin gets a quick birthday message from Garibaldi, is confused for a moment and then is like ''play the message back frame by frame and pause it if something is found. So, how did he know to play it frame by frame?

*Ghost Garibaldi-Sigh, so again Garibaldi walks around like ''no one will recognize him''

*Downtown- LOL. Sure it's for laughs, but it's kinda odd to have a section of the station full of heavy machinery

*Snack Food-So Doc Franklin and Garibaldi eat Nature Valley fruit bars?

*Scan that Ship- Er, so sure Cranson is a bit crazy...but for him to say ''Scan the Vorlon's ship he won't know!''. Yea, right...

*The ships scan- Well, guess that super fancy Vorlon Technology can fake a

*Nap Time-So Kosh is all like ''you can use my ship, and I'll be taking a nap in my quarters"?

*Organic Technology- Er so the ship is ''conscious and aware'', can fly itself, fake scans and sings. Some how this is all given as ''organic tech'', though it does not seem like anything a normal ship could do. How is it so different from just a ship having Artificial Intelligence? The idea of Organic Tech is cool, but the Vorlon's ship really does not fit the bill.

Final-B, This episode demonstrates the twisted web that can be woven when conspiracies begin to form within Earth Force. For the first time since the change of command, we see every member of the command staff working as a team