[Hueco Mundo]
(The Hive)

The great, ornate gates rise from the ground, filling the entirety of the, honestly, vast corridor. The doors begin to slide open.

"Wait, I-"

And press Clovis against the wall once they are fully spread. Crossed chains separate the inside of the gate rom the outside, and a veil of crimson and wisps of black shroud the enormous figure on the other side. It looks down at Nuala and then at Nielle, before reaching out with its clawed arm and picking up the behemoth by the scruff as if she was a common cat.

Silently it takes Nielle in, and the gates close behind them, Clovis sliding down onto the floor and they let him free. And once the whole thing is finally shut, it slides back into the ground as if they had never been there in the first place.

It is silent for a moment.
