Quote Originally Posted by Ashen Lilies View Post
[Market Street]

"If there are relevant city authorities who have legal jurisdiction over this matter, they should still be notified," argues Kalya. "Though if you insist on conducting your own investigation... I would be willing to assist. Such is my duty as well."
Quote Originally Posted by Artemis97 View Post
"We are professionals, kid." Brie says, scowling. "And I don't trust those iblith dhaerow to do a decent job of investigating. They'll probably try to use the thing, instead of destroying or containing it."

Ciar kneels down, examining the bodies nearest to the entrance of the alley. "Whatever killed these people used a heavy blade to do it. A cleaver? A greatsword? Something thick."

"Well at least it's not a scythe." The red headed woman says, false cheeriness in her voice.

"Wouldn't rule that out, but I know what you mean." Ciar replies, standing.
Market Street

Isaac gulps and begins backing away. "Well, power to you. I'm just a teenager with elephant powers, no need to be in the same zip code as this..." he mumbles.