Spoiler: Railside
“Oh?” It was not like Avaliah to speak so bluntly, so openly about herself and her emotions. When it came to Negotiations, it was very important to keep your true feelings underneath a cool mask of indifference, all whilst doing your best to learn as much about the ones you were Negotiating with. Yet... here. Standing alongside a lost soul from before the Shattering... and a Peacekeeper for an Empire of Slavery... Avaliah felt that she could relax, and allow herself to open up. “If I may inquire, what has made you say that Lady Peacekeeper?

As for the fact, Raphael had said he was willing to answer any questions... and that he was always willing to speak mentally. Avaliah tried to reach out to him now, mentally asking. ’So, how did you come to be a statue?’

“Sea Serpent. Incredibly thick hide, Immune to cold-based attacks, and incredibly resilient to fire. No to mention they are so elusive that even some of the best scryers in the world cannot find them.” Avaliah said when Kaya joined them on the deck, asking for greater tactical insight as to how it would be best to fight against the sea monsters... through afterwards Avaliah glanced sideways at her, adding dryly. “But hitting them hard is all I can do.” Avaliah was much more geared to fighting against humanoid creatures than giant monsters...

Then Raphael tried to charm it with its magic, halting the beast and making it speaking in the Tongue of the Waves: Aquan. A fact that brought Avaliah to a grinding halt, even before she realised some of the possible implications. “It... it speaks? It’s not just a beast desiring to state it’s hunger...? Knowledge of these creatures is limited, yet I cannot recall any records of them being able to speak....”