Quote Originally Posted by Celticbear View Post
The Undertower

Whether or not the creature has intelligence it does not get a chance to show it off as it recoils in Devero's flames. It stops emitting the noise, and breathes in a great breath. After a few moments, it exhales blue flame in a random motion, looking not to target anybody but deter would be attackers. The forest itself does start to catch fire.
The Undertower

"Iiiii think," Naku comments to Cherie, as she slides her earmuffs off, since the creature stopped. "we should probably walk faster.

Hey, Devero!"
She calls up to the dragonymanperson, "we should just keep going past it!" She yells up to him, hopefully loud enough to be heard, as she just picks up the pace a bit, and starts walking towards whatever's past the creature. Hopefully an exit.
Naku's tall enough that, even without running, her stride eats up distance when she starts truly moving, so they should pass the creature fairly quickly.