Alright, based on this conversation, this is what I'd write in the Tanuki codex on this aspect: what do you both think?

When it comes to the topic of gender, many other races find tanuki confusing, for they belong to the minority of humanoids who don't fit the conventions. Tanuki are a species of simultaneous hermaphrodites, with each individual having both masculine and feminine reproductive organs. To the eyes of most other races, all tanuki look like androgynous males, unless they have stimulated the growth of more feminine secondary characteristics, either through childbirth or through alchemical augmenttion. Further complicating the matter, tanuki do have different gender identities, based on cultural roles rather than physical sex. Although they sometimes refer to these genders as "male" and "female" when interacting with members of other races, they more accurately translate as "father" and "mother". Even more confusing for the uninitiated, tanuki expect individuals to switch between these genders throughout their lives, and sometimes even on a daily basis. Many non-tanuki, unless specifically asked to do otherwise, prefer to simply refer to all tanuki as "male".