Quote Originally Posted by Tanarii View Post
Since your examples, per what you quoted, not being how I define it, you'll have to start over again. You might want to start by rereading what I posted, since you quoted what isn't my definition, then claimed it was my definition.
Your definition: 'It's "PC does, active or passively" vs "something has assaulted a PC".' It's funny how you don't recognize your own definition though when other people use it.

Examples of things that show your definition is incorrect:

Quote Originally Posted by Hemlock
Examples off the top of my head of the incorrectness of your "PC does"/"something affected PC" definition: being grappled is the result of someone else assaulting you, and yet it is resisted with a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, not a save. Being grabbed by a mage's Telekinesis is an external assault, and yet it is resisted with a Strength check. Thirst is... well, it's not an external assault, yet according to at least part of the PHB it's resisted with a Con save, not a check. Otto's Irresistible Dance has no initial save, but when you try to stop it, you use your action to make a Wisdom save, not a Wisdom check. (Contrast this with e.g. Wrathful Smite, where you use your action to make a Wisdom check, not a Wisdom save.)
For your convenience I've bolded the parts which directly conflict with the definition you gave in your own words.