Quote Originally Posted by Ashiel View Post
Indeed. Even things like Shadowrun have folks running around in a biker jacket and a wolf claw necklace while fighting cyborg samurai and trolls with rocket launchers. This all goes back to what I said before.

1. Someone has some style they don't like. They then proceed to...

A. "Think of the children women!"
B. "Think of the realism (but ignore studded leather, combat mechanics, space pirates, and everything else that's not realistic and/or spits on historical accuracy)!"
C. "I don't like it and you shouldn't either!"

It's repeated every single time. They come up with delightful little ways of justifying why their position must be the right position. Often wiggling and waggling around themselves as some instances are fine but others aren't. Sure it's fine for Han Solo to run around in a vest while getting shot at. That's just the setting (except it isn't). It's snuff fetishism to have a lady barbarian running around in some hide scraps and swinging swords, but it's high adventure when Captain Jack Sparrow wear's a thin shirt and a hat while fighting sea monsters and soldiers with swords and guns and not snuff fantasy.

It's so old it's classic. Notice that nobody has actually addressed anything I said directly as well. We've gotten indignation, insulting artists, some herp-de-derp about circular logic, etc. Yeah, it's aesthetics. My brother likes stuff like this. Meanwhile, another friend likes stuff like this. Another still, likes stuff like this.

They're a great group.
EDIT: Bonus points of you can guess the sex of the loli vampire and the succubus appreciators.
I agree. There is a place for realism laced with selected unrealism, though, I'm sure you'd agree. Just because magic exists in a setting doesn't mean that the world has to be upside down and inside out and reverse polarity, with talking bunny rabbits and binary stars in the sky "because it's just fantasy". (Similar to my pet peeve of when people say "It's just a movie".) We can construct realistic worlds that happen to have a few fantastical elements. So, I can accept a magical land where women wear practical armour etc, just as I can accept that the setting can be so fantastical that women wear chainmail bikinis.