The gnomish soldiers form up a line at the alley's mouth, kneeling, pikes set against the demonspawn's charge. Behind them, the four other guards pull the switch on their crossbows, sending their bolts hurtling into the demonic lines. Three of the demonspawn scream and fall dead, while one more is wounded. Avita's arrow flies over their heads, clattering at the feet of the embattled hybrid. Meanwhile, Andras and the sergeant advance to the front of the line, ready to repel any demons who get past the pikes.

Coming out of his roll, Eric thrusts his sword at the Hybrid's throat, but it brings up it's shield and deflects the blow. Before Eric can recover, the demon flows smoothly into a slash below the drow's guard. Eric manages to dodge at the last second, avoiding a fatal blow, but still takes a gash on the hip. The hybrid's eyes bulge, saliva spitting from it's proboscis.

The demonspawn charge the line of pikes without hesitation, screaming battle cries in the tongue you are beginning to recognize as Abyssal. Three more end their lives skewered on the polearms, but it is not enough to break the assault. The demonspawn split up, each one attacking a frontline combatant. The soldiers hardly have time to throw their pikes to the road and draw arming swords. Sarim fewer troubles - the poor sod unlucky enough to get paired with the dworc is casually cleaved in half.

Spoiler: OOC
Eric takes 7 damage. 5 demonspawn and the hybrid remain. Turn to you guys.