The Empress' Estate - The Frescots

"You can touch people, but again, be slow and gentle."
The Empress says, pressing the need for caution before removing her hand. After she does so, she reaches up and removes her helm to reveal her face to him as she explains. "By taking in my blood, the Divinity of my family line, you have changed. You've grown larger and stronger. Until you take some time to acclimate yourself, you might not be used to the strength since you will not be some lumbering hulk."

The Empress' Estate - Tester

The Empress leads Tester over to the sets of lighter armor before stopping in front of a set of dark green and brown leather tied together with small patches of tarnished steel chain. She reaches up, rubbing her finger and thumb over a cloak of feathers set with it that's an array of dark foresty colors ranging from dark mossy green to dull stone grey. "This. A set made with the feathers of chicks born from the Raptor of Eons. It is the only one of its kind and has been worn by countless individuals until my uncle, the last to wear it, put it aside. He is as nameless as I, dead and forgotten by all but a few. You wished for someone to care about your death when the time comes, and while I will care I will not mourn. This armor however, will be the one to mourn for you."

Pastry Shop

"I can provide better than sketches, actually."
Jezebel admits as she takes her seat inside the creation. "If you are willing to drop me off at my manor when we are done with the tour, I can loan you a pair of art and pict portfolios that were printed back home. Though I must admit that much of it is...excessively gothic and grotesque to the point of being beyond good taste."

The Lotus Gardens - Harnetta & Wenomir

"But what is there to really say?"
Jezebel points out as she shuts off her tablet and looks between Harnetta and Wenomir. There is a flicker of amusement to her expression, but also annoyance and slight frustration. "Early this morning I find myself awoken to not just the sounds of two people going violently at it, but also to the realization that I would be playing host to a man who has made no effort to hide his displeasure at my existence. When Charles awoke I gave him instructions to have your clothing washed and extra food to be prepared because if there is anything I had been familiar with at one point in my life, it is the morning after drunken or drugged debauchery. I also find myself almost stunned and groaning at the sheer irony of accepting this entire situation when I had once been on the other side of it which had resulted in being nearly killed and being trapped in a magic blade." Jezebel points out with a small frown before picking up her tablet and turning it on again to read. "At this point in time however, I lack a psychic, a lascannon, or soul-stealing blade to make these experiences equal so I will settle for forcing you two to wear clothing like this for my amusement. So I ask again, Harnetta. What is there to say?" She repeats.

After a heartbeat she furrows her brow and looks back at Wenomir. "Was it ever discovered who swapped out one of your dueling blades anyway?"

The Lotus Gardens - Cessie

Jezebel smiles and almost grins the moment Cessie accepts the invitation. "Is there anything in particular you or your children would like to eat for dinner? I can also have extra beds put into Sergei and Ariel's rooms so the boys and girls can share. If Garn is concerned, I'm certain I can find room for him too." She adds with a slight chuckle at the thought of the gargoyle watching over the place from a distance even if he wasn't invited.