So I finally got back to my laptop and installed FO4, which only took three days to install. Managed to play for two hours--or more accurately, watch an hour of cutscenes and actually played for an hour. Some thoughts:
-I have no idea what I'm doing or even supposed to do. Well vaguely I know what I'm supposed to do, but still.
-The combat with firearms sucks. Aiming is weird. I haven't tried VATS, but I don't think it'll help as much as learning to compensate for the way the game handles shooting. Still, it's fun bashing/shooting at things.
-The UI and menu controls. My god Bethesda, just please make it a little more keyboard friendly.
-What's up with having to toss your junk on the ground to scrap it? It's not a huge deal, but it is mildly irritating.
-I'm not particularly bothered by the "find my son, avenge my wife" plot handed to me. I'm not particularly engaged by it, but whatever.
-Even on "low", the graphics are decent enough for me, and I had very little stuttering or tearing while keeping a very passable frame rate.
-Seriously what am I supposed to do. Got to Concord, feels like I'm standing around with my thumb somewhere that t ought not to be.

On its face this might seem largely like a bunch of negatives. Maybe. It's just stuff that's really noticeable to me more than anything else.