Geoffrey Oathorn
First Level Cleric, Fourth Level Ranger

A slight frown marred Geoffrey's countenance as Liag began to speak. Geoffrey had been quite fond of Liag when he first met the half-elf over a month ago - it was rare to find a down to earth, no nonsense person in the big city. Liag reminded Geoffrey of his home village, of his father and mother and sister. Liag was something of a grounding point for Geoffrey, who had become less and less no-nonsense (or perhaps it would be accurate to say more and more nonsensical) during his apprenticeship with Sir Eckbert, all those years ago.

There was one problem, however, as Geoffrey had learned: Liag was a criminal. Non-violent, as far as Geoffrey knew. Smuggling, tax evasion, the like. Enough for Geoffrey to find extremely distasteful, but not enough for him to draw his sword and demand with threat of force that Liag be brought to justice. After all, Geoffrey wasn't familiar enough with the bureaucracy and laws of Amaranth to be sure that drawing on Liag would not result in him being imprisoned for assault with a deadly weapon.

"If I have said it once I have said it thrice, sir. This 'Thieves Guild' you speak so oft of bears the stench of ill repute. Do not let thyself be shackled by their demands - thy knowledge of their valorless dealings doubtless would prove invaluable to the lawmen of Amaranth. Shining silver shall flow bountifully - as payment for the information you provide, and in return for the head of each knave and scoundrel we strike down. Hence, you can run an honest business and provide for thy family without suffering a portion lost to this Guild's greed."