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Thread: The World At Your Feet (IC)

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    Troll in the Playground
    Space Lawyer's Avatar

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    Default Re: The World At Your Feet (IC)

    "Lets get two things straight. First, I don't work for or with those goons. However, seeing as I'm fond of my guts staying in my belly, I'll pay attention to what they've got to say. If you stay here long, you'd be smart to do the same. Second, you're a bigger fool than I thought if you think talking to the law would do any good. The law answers to whoever has the gold. Here, thats the Merchant's Guild. Wanna take a guess who does the work for the dirty work for 'em? That's right, the Thieves' Guild. Anyone here who actually matters either doesn't care, or is getting their cut from this cozy little relationship."

    A spark of inspiration strikes Liag. "Say, that gives me an idea.I'm guessing you'd sure like to clean up a haven of vice and inequity, huh? Plenty of that down by where I live. Nobody there has the silver to bribe the guards into taking anything there seriously. Bet you'd be a real hero to all us poor folk if you were to, ah, do some good there." Liag wasn't nearly educated enough on the faith of Ehlonna to bring out some heavy theological arguments.

    What went unsaid was that some shining knight descending into the neighborhood would shake things up enough to maybe keep the guild off of Liag's back until he could figure out what was going on. If Geoffrey managed to really rile things up, it could even mean a shift in the power structure of the place. Of course, the knight didn't need to know about all that.
    Last edited by Space Lawyer; 2017-08-05 at 09:13 PM.
    07/03/2018: I’m back. The long break was necessary.

    Discord Tag #4097