Quote Originally Posted by JNAProductions View Post
That sounds suspicious. Like, to the point where if I was trans, I'd want to hear the reason before I answered many questions.

But, seeing as I'm not and the lovely Astrella already offered, it's on her to determine if she wants to answer.
I'm really curious to know how it's suspicious. Like, do I really have to disclose every single possible reason I might have for asking a question, no matter how incredibly personal they might be? Maybe I'm questioning things myself and want to ask someone with personal experience, maybe I've got someone close to me going through some things, maybe I'm working on a story and want to properly represent one of the trans characters in it. Maybe it's all of the above, and I'd rather not be up-front about those to avoid being shoehorned into a certain role, or maybe it's none of them and I have another reason.

I already said this, but just to reiterate - There is absolutely no malice behind any potential questions I might have, and my ultimate motivation is to learn. I don't think it really matters why I want to learn, so long as I'm not using that knowledge for malicious or otherwise harmful reasons. If my intent was to cause harm, I'd just go on an existing message board and be a troll there. It should be noted that I've not done that, and instead asked if anyone already knowledgeable could kindly point me in the direction of a place where I could learn.

I don't appreciate being regarded with suspicion when I've been completely transparent.