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Thread: Armor designs for females?

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Armor designs for females?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tobtor View Post
    As Conan is brought up as an example quite often of a "barely clad" male, I will take him as a case: In growing up I never found any woman/girl in my schools, workplaces etc, who thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was "hot". Arnold had mainly male "fans". Not that every man was a fan. Not all fans really wanted to look like him, but his appearance was catering a male audience and not a female one. He was though of as "cool" and "strong" by (some) men. Not by any women. Contrary to the heroines where generally (again: not by all) thought to be "hot" by the male audience.

    This is aspect A of male power.-fantasies. That the guys depicted have (straight) male fans, and the women depicted have (straight) male fans. Aspect B is the portrayal of them: They are always posing in a way that signify strength and competence, while the women (even if strong and skilled) is posing "sexy". Is there exceptions? Possible, but the trend is very clear.
    The most pure of male power fantasies. A strong, cold heartless monster, learns to love and overcomes an even greater cold heartless monster to protect a child and mother. He understands why you cry. And sacrifices himself to save everything.
    Last edited by Ashiel; 2017-08-06 at 12:08 PM.
    You are my God.