Quote Originally Posted by Floret View Post
So I am not alone in my perception at least, thanks for confirming that^^
Not taking bets, but I like to be hopeful. Things are changing, for the better, generally after all. Joe Abercrombie, in his Short story collection for his Dark Fantasy setting (First Law trilogy and other books) introduced a character duo specifically intended to be female expys of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. Really nice pair, the two.
Thanks for the tip!

My favorite bookseller recommended Joe Abercrombie to me, but his works just seemed like they'd be too "grim-dark" for my taste, I'll take a second look.

Incidentally, Joanna Russ in her 1967 short story "Bluestocking" has her heroine Alyx reminisce about Fritz Leiber's character "Fafhrd" (an old favorite of mine), and Leiber in his 1968 story "The Two Best Thieves in Lankhmar" includes an appearance by Joanna Russ's heroine Alyx!

Yes, old Sci-Fi/Swords & Sorcery had stuff like the "Gor" novels (no links on purpose), but I think it was also for more "inclusive"/"progressive" than it gets credit for.