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Thread: Inside 65: A Very Busy Intersection

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Jun 2006
    Irving, TX

    Default Re: Inside 65: A Very Busy Intersection

    [Werenight - the Blood Moon]

    Up in the sky is a singular sight. The moon is full... but somehow there's only one moon. It is bigger and brighter and more "full" than it usually seems to be.

    And slowly, slowly... it's turning blood-red! A lunar eclipse, of course, isn't something that should cause worry... right?


    The werewolves always howl when the moon is out like this, right?

    And screams aren't all that unusual...

    and that unsettling chittering noise is just the usual sewer rats...

    Last edited by Fenric; 2017-08-07 at 08:40 PM.