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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Simple RAW for Pathfinder Thread V: Golarion Strikes Back


    Can a character tumble through a symbol of striking?

    The symbol of striking

    threatens its area and the area around it as if it were a Medium creature wielding a magic version of [a] weapon

    So, by the wording of the spell, it seems like it could be tumbled through, a success meaning the tumbling character can move through the spaces without provoking the attacks of opportunity. But that kinda seems janky to me. Besides, the spell doesn't specifically mention where the CMD (for the tumble) would come from. You could logic it out as the caster's, but that'd be much easier to hit than a non-casters, rendering this spell significantly less useful than a 5th level spell seems like it should be.

    Any thoughts on this?
    Last edited by Nibbens; 2017-08-08 at 02:37 PM.
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