Departing the city felt different this time. Back in the beginning, Kate had been a stranger here. She and her comrades had just been passing through. In pursuit of easy money, they'd accepted a simple delivery job. Who could have predicted the events that that act would set in motion? The group had been embroiled in so much trouble. But despite that, Kate didn't regret the path she'd walked. Plenty of good had been accomplished. The council's monstrous conspiracy was dead (along with many of its servants); New allies and opportunities abounded; And the group finally had some extra money. Kate's comrades looked so much better clad in their new weapons, armour and clothing. Some of them had even bathed! Now if she could only find a way to keep them halfway presentable.

Kate pondered the pending mission as she passed through the gates. Today they rode to tie up one of the conspiracy's last remaining loose ends. Alaric would pay for the many innocent lives he'd taken. And that justice would be dispensed by the 'victims' that he'd failed to kill. No longer would this coward be able to direct his puppets from afar. Now it was his turn to be on the front lines.

Four days later

Nazir's report provoked the obvious reaction from Kate. Of course she was going to help the farmers. Even the tactics involved didn't require much thought. This situation was a fairly textbook one.

"I think the best course is to lay an ambush. We can hide in the nearby greenery; Then blindside the bandits as they pass. That's assuming they are bandits, of course. In the event that they turn out to be an unusually paranoid minstrel troupe, please hold your fire. Agreed?"

She paused for comments or suggestions.