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Thread: Stegyre's Forgotten Forge IC

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Vancouver, BC

    Default Re: Stegyre's Forgotten Forge IC


    "There's more off them! Finish off the tin man and deal with those mutants!"

    Spoiler: What K: check to Dark Knowledge Shifters... Nature? Dungeoneering?
    And then plus whatever is relevant field of study?
    Knowledge (arcana) +7
    Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +3
    Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4
    Knowledge (geography) +4
    Knowledge (history) +5
    Knowledge (local) +4
    Knowledge (nature) +4
    Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +4
    Knowledge (religion) +7
    Knowledge (the planes) +7

    I have Draconic Archivist (You use Knowledge (arcana) for dark knowledge checks for constructs and Dragon) for warforged too, so watch yer back, Forge!

    In his arrogant tone, he describes the best places to hit a shifter for maximum damage.

    Spoiler: Effects
    Bless for you all.
    If Dark Knowledge is relevant to Shifters add +2 to hit (since a Nat 20 should exceed check by 10 at least. Right?)

    +1 to hit vs. Warforged (Bless 1 minute - 1 round))
    +3 to hit vs. shifters (Bless and Dark Knowledge)

    He's a lot more annoying when he's useful, I think.
    Last edited by redzimmer; 2017-08-09 at 05:34 PM.
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