Sarim takes a swing at the climbing hybrid, and misses - the demon sees the blow coming and makes a leap for the window, barely catching the sill with it's fingertips. The hybird hangs there for a moment, legs dangling, before the burnt wood snaps in two, sending nails, splinters and one enraged demon tumbling to the street. Without stopping, Andras lowers her glaive and charges the prone hybrid. Hissing and spitting, it rolls away just in time, ending up on it's hands and knees at Andras' feet, covered in mud.

Avita makes a dash for the house, reaches the door, then sees the hybrid's fall and turns around.

Sycarus reaches Eric, kneels down, and passes his fingers lightly over the drow's lips, muttering the words invocation. There is a flash of light and Eric sits up, his wounds sealed and, by appearances, several weeks old.

Spoiler: OOC
Eric regains 14 hit points, bringing him back to consciousness and 8 hit points.