Q292 - So I've been re-reading (and attempting to complete for the first time) RJ's Wheel of time epic. Anyways, I was trying to stat out what an Aes Sedai, and Ashaman might use for their spell casting as far as drawbacks go. the problem really stems from trying to stat out the drawback magical signs.

in case you are unfamiliar with the series here is how they work.

women channelers - clearly can tell when a woman is channeling as long as you also can channel (they glow), otherwise nothing. a male channeler can sense that A woman is channeling but not who or where precisely (goosebumps when nearby).

male channelers - males can tell when another male is channeling though I can't remember a single instance where it says they glow, just that they can sense the power in nearby males (6th sense type thing). women cannot sense men unless they use special artifacts or specific "spells".

neither can actually see the other channeling and normal people can only see the effects of the spells.

Now its really not super important and I'm not playing WoT in a DND world and either way would require a DM judgement but how would you rate this sort of drawback? More out of curiosity or world building guidance.