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Thread: Spheres of Power Ask Me Anything #2

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    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Re: Spheres of Power Ask Me Anything #2

    mehangle the reason why i had the cap on 6 spheres was that the class is a limited class like the warmage, healer, and such. the whole point of them is that they are limited in scope and such. otherwise why play sorcerer? it has the same number of spells per day as a sorcerer normally. but gets much much more per class level.

    a sorc gets 2+int skills pluss a tiny list of skills and only get familiar feat in dnd 3.5. the beguiler gets 6+int a rouge-like selection of skills and several major bonuses (trapfinding, armored casting [light], flat-footed casting, advanced learning (+1 talent @3, 7, 11, 15, 19: mind/illusion) and 2 metamagic)

    there has to be a kind of balance. i thought that 6/20 possible spheres (with about 10 being normally accessible by thier normal spells) would be a decent balance mechanic AND if allowed to use this style in my later characters give new combinations to use later. since if allowed to do any/everything is boring.

    this is not to mention that don't you think that some classes should NOT have access to certain spheres. arcane shouldn't have access to life for example. only druid should have access to weather, ect.
    Last edited by death390; 2017-08-11 at 08:24 PM.