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Thread: Armor designs for females?

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Armor designs for females?

    Quote Originally Posted by S@tanicoaldo View Post
    Are ok with me making a fantasy setting where there is a race of fey creatures who are lazy, feed on water melons and chicken. They also have pitch black skin and huge red lips? It's my fantasy, my creation, my art, my views, why should I be prevented from creating such fantasy race?
    Go right ahead. I've said repeatedly, that the only people you need to please are the people you play with. I probably wouldn't play that game, but I don't care if you and your friends do.

    For the record (for weirdos who seem to care about such things), I am black.
    Last edited by Dragonexx; 2017-08-16 at 04:37 PM.
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