Quote Originally Posted by LadyFoxfire View Post
Being an orphan is a start to your backstory, but it can't be the entire thing. Maybe you were orphaned at a young age and joined a gang or thieves guild to survive. Maybe some bad guy/evil organization was rounding up orphans for nefarious purposes, and you barely escaped with your life. Maybe you were taken in by a church or good secret organization and they raised and trained you to be a force for good. Something like that.

I'll admit I've created more than a few orphaned characters, but backstory always included who raised them.

One was a Goblinblood wars orphan raised in a monastic order dedicated to Asmodeus to be a champion of hell's law.

One was a fey foundling raised by a dwarf/elf mixed race couple.

One was a halfling of unknown father whose mother didn't survive the birth. She was raised by a gay Ulfen couple who'd been friends of her mother and trained in their axe and shield techniques.

Being orphaned is the start of a backstory, not all of it.