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Thread: Armor designs for females?

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    Default Re: Armor designs for females?

    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    You appear to have said that women cannot wear certain clothing for any reason other than "being appealing", even if they don't consciously realize it.
    I am naïve enough to expect charitable interpretations of what I may or may not have phrased perfectly, complete with umlauts and curlicues. My point is that one unavoidable (outside of tyranny) aspect of the womanly experience is dealing with the male gaze, so that whatever other reasons they may have to wear their bikini--better tan, like polka dots and yellow, want to fit in, etc.--one reason around men, that they would have to be crazy or stupid to miss, is that men like looking at nearly naked women.

    Freud was nothing more than someone who got famous projecting his own issues on the entirety of the human population.
    Freud came up with the id, which a big world religion needs to function properly, so on those grounds I can't help but agree with him. If you're interested in an investigation and possibly quasi-defence of Freud, you can do worse than investigating Jordan Peterson.

    Archetypes mean nothing to me. They're nothing but another potential hazard to be avoided in writing / worldbuilding.
    Well, we might be sophisticating ourselves to death. To dump the archetypes, however, really smacks of the Hebraic lineage of thought, if you think about it. The archetypes, seen in Joseph Campbell's works such as Hero With a Thousand Faces have something pagan or heathen about them, a recurring, cyclical nature. The Hebraic line, extending to the present day among a couple of contemporary religions and the civilisation they have made, is very much a movement of unique happenstance. There are great themes and certain cyclical events, but the essence is a movement towards ever increasing order that is paralleled—adopted—by the secular ideas of scientific and social progress. To that we could add the progress of worldbuilding and storytelling. Perhaps the archetypes will find themselves echoing more and more faintly as this progress, er, progresses.

    It's controversial because it's a gross oversimplification -- and because it paints men in the same unsavory and animalistic sort of "but they can't help it, that's how they're wired" light that when taken to another order of magnitude makes for some pretty ugly excuses for other behaviors.
    I don't think the statement "most men like looking at women's bodies" is a gross oversimplification. And humans are not animals, we can, barring insanity or brain damage, control our destructive impulses. I think you're talking the way you do because we've been talking closely about these issues without standing up and getting a breather to modes of human intercourse that have less to do with thorny issues around sex and instinct. As I like to put it, humans are not fundamentally good, but they are fundamentally worthwhile, they are capable of following the light side, so to speak, and it is not my intention, and I resent any insinuation or charge that it is, to suggest that my understanding of human instincts in any way excuses people's wickedness.
    Last edited by Donnadogsoth; 2017-08-16 at 09:43 PM.