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Thread: 3.5 wbl how strict?

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: 3.5 wbl how strict?

    I mostly use them for starting wealth determination; that said, it is true that the game balance is based on those wealth levels, and being far below/above it will make the party weaker/stronger; especially being short on it can make martials weaker by making their attack/ac/saves too low. (casters of course can just be poewrful anyways, and are a bit less sensitive to wealth).
    A good dm, or a powerful party, can work around alternate wealth levels fine if they're aware of it; but if they're not it could cause a problem. I'd say check with your dm about it to amke sure he's aware of it.
    Last edited by zlefin; 2017-08-17 at 11:04 AM.
    A neat custom class for 3.5 system

    A good set of benchmarks for PF/3.5

    An alternate craft point system I made for 3.5