Quote Originally Posted by Sporeegg View Post
I honestly went back and it feels incredibly grindy. I am not even trying to get new gear at this point since I feel 7.3 will invalidate most work done anyway. But I feel it's more the nature of the beast than my actual motivation. It feels so samey. None of my toons interest me enough to level them. None of my 110 chars are actually fun enough to grind them up with gear (Mage feels boring when levelling alone, BM Hunter is meh, MM is terrible at single player content, I hate new SV and Shadow Priest is well.. I dont like the Legion Priest). I might want to roll my druid to 110 (Balance looks fun enough and this way I have a decent range dd for solo content with a heal spec).
When 7.3 comes out you will eventually replace all the gear you use to "gear up" now, but you'll get that gear way faster in 7.3 if you have a decent item level to start with. The new single-player areas will probably tuned for people in the Broken Shore gear you're hoding off on acquiring. Also, if you gear up now you can do more RF stuff or raiding and not be stuck with only single player content you're apparently not liking too much.

It can definitely get boring if you do nothing but grind day in and day out, but you should fill up most of your slots pretty quickly. Hopefully the Nether Disruptor will be up over the next reset, so you may be able to get four shots at 900 gear pretty easily. My Demon hunter and Mage are both in the mid 890s by virtue... oh wait. You probably don't have flying yet, do you? That makes a HUGE difference in questing speed. If you have a buddy with a 2-seat mount that's willing to quest with you it will speed you way up until you can unlock flying yourself.