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Thread: Armor designs for females?

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    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Default Re: Armor designs for females?

    Quote Originally Posted by Max_Killjoy View Post
    I'd also point out that elephants, like higher primates, some cetaceans, and some birds, also appear to not be entirely bound to pure instinctive motive and action -- the line between homonids and other animals on that matter isn't as bright and solid as was thought.

    And really, IMO, "it's natural" is a bad argument. Being preyed upon by carnivores, high infant mortality, death by disease or starvation, death in childbirth, and a bunch of other miserable things are "natural" too.

    Wheras plenty of wonderul things are "not natural" .

    So whether kissing is natural or not, to me, is utterly meaningless as a matter of judgement.
    I had read somewhere that kissing began in rome. It was to detect wine on the lips of wives to see if they had been drinking while they were gone... which was thought to indicate infidelity.

    Edit. Looked it up, and apparently that is incorrect. The act of kissing can be traced to 3500 bc Egypt, where trace writings mention the practice. Romans DID use it widespread for various reasons however, including the one I mentioned.
    Last edited by Calthropstu; 2017-08-20 at 06:07 AM.