Quote Originally Posted by S@tanicoaldo View Post
What if they did that to your mother? Is it ok if a guy look at the young version mother and imagine she is quite f@ckble? I mean she is/was a woman. How does that make you feel? Are you ok with it?
While I don't enjoy making anyone uncomfortable, yes. You have the right to think whatever the flying f*ck you want. It's your own mind, your own thoughts. You are entitled to the sanctity of your own mind. If the first thought you keep having when you see an adult woman is "I'd bend her over the gaming table!" then it's your goddamn right to think it. It's your goddamn right to imagine yourself bumping uglies with a woman you've seen on the street, it's your goddamn right to think whatever the flying f*ck you want.

Saying it may be morally wrong, depending on the circumstances, but it could be argued that saying it is still your right. Just like it is my right to feel disgusted, insulted, and tell you not to say that kind of **** if you speak up about your thoughts and tell me you'd bend my mother over the gaming table. But thinking it? I may not want you to think of my mother that way but I don't have any right to stop you.

I don't want the absolute stranger across the street to imagine me in a homosexual threesome where I'm the bottom, but they are entitled to thinking that, to having their own dirty little fantasies and I got no right to stop them.

As for oggling attractive women in bikinis on the beach, what is bad and morally wrong is to have a behaviour that makes other people uncomfortable, or even insulted. So yeah, being a total and utter creep and staring is not nice of anyone.

As for merely seeing things and being appreciative of what you see, as long as you don't hurt anybody physically, mentally, socially or morally, then go ahead, oggle, enjoy the goddamn show. Beaches tend to be beautiful places.