5th Greysun, 694th in the Cycle of the Red Sun

Master Verin postulates the sleet, hail and rain to be a sign of "The Izotz," a supposedly once in a century storm. If he's correct then places like that unpleasant crossroads village should be buried in a meter of snow.

The flickering sleet gathered by the group was placed around the edges of an especially large tent. Once the sleet was pilled up 5 cm in height the orcs started gathering in the tent. Once, what I presume a quorum, was established the large burned orc paced around the scared coals and gave a thunderous sermon. Well, that's what Master Verin and I believe anyway, the burned orc had an extremely thick accent, so I was barely able to understand his speech. Fortunately I was able work out themes of oppression, diaspora, and the Burning One's eternal battle with, what could loosely be translated to as "Lord Browning". When asked Kresho, tell us the followers of Lord Browning have spread from the far west like a plague of locusts, displacing many of the traditional religions of the region. While we were aware of a new faith from the west, Master Verin had little idea of it's prolific spread.

After the Burned Orc finished his sermon, the orcs in the chant began singing. First, the audience began a guttural hum, followed by light chanting from the female members. As more orcs joined in the chanting the flickering sleet grew darker and the fire more intense. Once the chanting came to a head, the fire flared with a blue glow coloring the once flickering white sleet pitch black. The tent erupted into a raucous applause and the orcs returned to their individual tents.