[MERC Office - A Visitor]

((I should point out that Recaiden controls the general and her stuff in Southside.))

[Suncrest Manor]

Irena blinks, not really paying any attention to the letter even as she accepts it from Nadia's hand. "You're grounding the kid for swearing? Come on, Nad, that isn't fair. It's just words. It's really no big deal. Everyone swear sometimes, even you do."

[MERC Office - Kids]

As Iknika approaches the spot where the entity presumably is and attempts another attack, in invisible hand attempts to take a hold of her wrist before she can take a swing with the stool. This si followed by those eyes flaring up again, which might give the knight-in-training a headache if she looks too deeply into them. "Stop. It." The entity hisses an order, flashing a row of sharp teeth as whatever force is keeping it invisible seems to start to break down.

Meanwhile, Eliseo can see Dena just reaching the stairs as Koshal passes by carrying Faye. "Slow down kid, tell me what's going on first. What just happened?" She didn't even know what had bit the dog, 'medicine' was a rather vague concept when she didn't even know what to counteract.

[Southside - Dragon Research]

Ambrosia seem to consider this for a moment. "It would be tempting to bring the extinct species of dragon of my homeworld back to life, admittedly. There would be a great deal to learn from them, but that is of course ignoring the danger they represent. A dragon like that could with some planning take down an entire empire. There is so much more to them than just brute force after all."