Quote Originally Posted by Sporeegg View Post
So for flying I need all quests in every zone and a complete Suramar questline plus exalted? That is IT, I am out.

I am still confused why people call Legion the "best xpac ever" and Pandaria is getting so much flak because I loved Pandaria more.

Pandaria did everything right for me.
Questing on foot: With the great landscapes I enjoyed this the most).
Max level with instant flying (I hate the prereqs in Legion and WoD)
Not trying to disguise daily quests (I mean come on, at least Pandaria daily quests were concise in one area, also I don't care what I slay 8 of for my loot)
Well done cooking (instead of a cooking NPC called Burn It McFlameface aka Nomi)
A smidge of player housing with the farm which is entirely optional instead of required player bases with the order halls.
A starter raid and two more advanced raids on launch (though I cannot say anything for Legion raiding since I feel being in LFR once is not a fair assessment)

The only thing Legion did better was the weapons system and the mythic dungeons.
No, just the main questline in each region IIRC. In any case there's only the four zones and Suramar, and unless you do nothing but invasions you can quest out the majority of the four zones during the leveling process. I don't understand several of your objections.

1: You're still questing on foot. What's the issue? The Legion environments are well done IMO. Stormheim grappling hooks were genius.
2: People got burned out on the MoP dailies because they were the same damn thing day after day. The Legion world quests re-use the entire zone, but not all at the same time. This keeps a steady flow of max-level players engaged in the world and keeps the world alive. There aren't as many things gated behind exalted reputation with a faction so you're not obligated to grind all your dailies every day until the joyous day you hit exalted and stop doing them completely. The World Quests reward more than just gold and reputation, so you've got incentive to do them for the emmissary caches, which are a great idea.
3: The slightly delayed opening of EN a month after launch was an amazing gift. People had time to enjoy the content instead of rushing to max level and frantically gearing up so they could start raiding. NH dropped about 4 months after EN opened. MoP started with more raids, yes, but ToT didn't drop for nine months after launch. Tomb dropped six months after NH. Heart of Fear I feel almost shouldn't count as a raid available at launch because the first boss was glitchy for so long.
4: The Order Hall experience varies by class, so it adds some much needed variety when leveling alts. It's great. They tried the full-on player housing thing in Draenor and it went great for the first month and then people kind of got over it. The current world quest system is a direct result of the "sit in your garrison and queue" behavior that quickly arose during WoD.
5: Cooking is a side diversion in both expansions. Nomi isn't that bad and drops level 2 recipies at a reasonable rate, people just get bent out of shape over the level three recipes. Also he was so much worse at launch.