I've been super messed up on what day it is due to work, but here have a Zelda.

Zodi Plays: The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker [12] Greatfish Island

Video Length: 25:43

In today's episode, we begin by doing some clean up. First of all, we take a photo of near everyone on the island (only missing the Koroks who left, who we'll get later) and getting all the enemies we didn't have, minus the octorok which I just plum forgot to get. We also pick up all the optional chests we missed, getting a good handful of loot items plus the final Treasure Chart the Forbidden Woods has. After giving the photos away and reporting back to the King of Red Lions, we get told our next destination. Far to the north east is another island, and on it another Pearl. Onwards!

The boat trip is pretty chaotic, as far as traveling in this game goes. We pass by or otherwise make landfall at a couple of islands, the most immediately pressing of them being the Private Oasis, owned by Miss Marie of Windfall Island. It is here that we encounter our first miniboss of then sea, the Eight Eyed Big Octo! These bad boys create a whirlpool around them, trapping you in a slowly shortening loop. Once you get to close to them you're sunk, and deposited somewhere else on the Sea, missing some hearts. The Big Octo itself is pretty challenging to deal with right now, since we only have a boomerang and that can't really damage the eyes all that fast. Luckily, I was able to destroy him...and less luckily, I forgot that then eight-eyes only give rupees as a reward. As a result, we've finally taken a big hit to our wallet in terms of efficiency. Let's hope this doesn't come back to bite us. Other enemies of note include the Seahat, large fish based Peahats that are a massive pain to deal with, pirate warships that we cannot deal with yet AT ALL, and gyorgs, who are barely there shark monsters that can do basically nothing to you.

One thing of note is that we start hearing about some weird stuff from the Fishman. Tales of golden silverware and ways to find pieces of it. You may recall an Old Man Ho Ho said something along those lines back on Outset Island too. Mysterious. Tingle also has some...interesting things to say about the islands, mostly things that raise questions like "okay so the Great Sea doesn't have fish, but we know crabs exist, is sea food still really a thing or not?" It's something that's somewhat unclear, and Tingle being Tingle he just has to raise more questions than we'll ever get answers for.

Anyway, after all is said and done...we arrive on Greatfish Island. And find that we were not here first. Hope you all enjoyed, I'll see you guys next time...where we deal with what just happened.