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Thread: Mafia 2: mass intrigue (closed)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Eldritch Knight's Avatar

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    Apr 2006

    Default Re: Mafia 2: mass intrigue (closed)

    Okay. I'VE BEEN HAD! I should have clued in from the beginning, but I was all to willing to trust him. I have three major bits of evidence to present against Space-is-curved, our final MAFIA member.

    First, his voting habits have always mirrored mine, which is a good hiding place for a manipulating mafia member. Granted, I have been the one initiating the pointing, but I've always tried to discuss who is likely mafia members with the other players. I had PM'd both Decken and Space-is-curved with my suspicions of Meynolds, and of Kyrian. Decken is the only one who stated that Kyrian was innocent and trustworthy. Space-is-curved was MORE than willing to go along with my suspicions. What better way to influence a vote than reinforcing the already held suspicions?

    Second, he seemed adamant that Inky and Helgraf were the last members of the Mafia. Why would he try to lynch the seer, when he stated it, and had it confirmed by OTHER players? It is likely that he was afraid of being scried and being fingered.

    My third point regards this post of his:

    Originally Posted by Space-Is-Curved
    Inky is lying! I am, in fact, the quack. It is obviously true that Inky is mafia, and attempting (with more success than any of us want) to trick the townspeople to side with him! The only proof I can give is that after you lynch EK, Inky WILL NOT DIE over the night, but I WILL NOT PROTECT HIM. After that, the mafia will have an easy time mopping up the rest of you, and it will be too late. That's why he didn't want us to point at Krursk. He's also mafia.

    I will point out that he was more than willing to let me be lynched at this point, and then essentially threatening the rest of the village. This strikes me as an attempt to shift the focus away from himself an onto me. After all, Inky had already admitted to being the seer, and had been vouched for, so why would he try to finger a confirmed seer as a member of the mafia? It all boils down to a last ditch effort to save himself.

    Fourth, the fact that Helgraf was last nights target strikes me as an attempt at placing the sights on me. Let's face it, If Helgraf had lived, he was going to have me lynched, he stated so himself. Now, with him dead, it causes everyone to turn their eyes on me, even though that would have been the case anyway. Thus, Hypothetically speaking, Helgraf would have been a totally illogical target for me to select if I was a mafia member. On the same token, targeting Me would have rendered him the last person unknown, effectively ending the game by turning himself in. Thus, his ideal move would have been to force a scapegoat.

    So it all boils down to this....

    EK points at Space-is-curved
    Last edited by Eldritch Knight; 2007-03-21 at 05:24 PM.